Topic: Tabular

Page 6 of 294 results
  • UPDATE 2021-06-29: also read Choosing Azure Analysis Services or Power BI Premium for large datasets – SQLBI containing updates about Power BI Premium Gen2. I often get questions about use cases for Azure Analysis Services. So I wanted to do…  Read more

  • This article analyzes a classic modeling question: is it better to build a model as a regular star schema or as a single table in Power BI? The answer is clear: a star schema is always the best choice.  Read more

  • USERELATIONSHIP lets you temporarily change which relationship is active. Even though USERELATIONSHIP is easy to work with in measures, it can be challenging and give you inaccurate results when used in calculated columns. In this article, we describe the details…  Read more

  • This article explains how to avoid circular dependency errors that can occur in DAX when two or more entities (calculated columns or calculated tables) reference one another in such a way that the engine cannot compute their value.  Read more

  • Analyzing table and column size is an important step in optimizing a data model for Power Pivot, Power BI, or Analysis Services Tabular. This article describes VertiPaq Analyzer, an Excel workbook to analyze detailed information extracted from Dynamic Management Views.  Read more

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