Topic: BISM

Page 2 of 74 results
  • SQL 2012 gives you two different xVelocity engines, with different capabilities and different scenarios of implementation, the paper will help you choose the right one or, at least, raise your curiosity about performing more tests on your specific scenario.  Read more

  • We presented a few session at SQLBits and the video of these sessions are available. This is the list of sessions available from SQLBits 8 and SQLBits 9 – just click the link on the title and jump to the…  Read more

  • The relationships in a data model queried by DAX are a fundamental part of the engine and simplify the query itself. This article examines the cost of relationships in a data model, providing hints to optimize them.  Read more

  • Understanding DAX query plans is a long process. This paper explains how to capture and read a DAX query plan, helping you to find possible optimizations of your DAX queries.  Read more

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