Topic: SQL

7 results
  • The SQL functions IN and EXISTS are useful to implement tests over a set of values. This article describes the corresponding syntax in DAX language.  Read more

  • This article describes projection functions and techniques in DAX, showing the differences between SELECTCOLUMNS, ADDCOLUMNS, and SUMMARIZE.  Read more

  • In SQL there are different types of JOIN, available for different purposes. This article shows the equivalent syntaxes supported in DAX and it was updated in May 2018.  Read more

  • The GROUP BY condition of a SQL statement is natively implemented by SUMMARIZE in DAX. This article shows how to use SUMMARIZE and an alternative syntax to group data.  Read more

  • The WHERE condition of an SQL statement has two counterparts in DAX: FILTER and CALCULATETABLE. In this article we explore the differences between them, providing a few best practices in their use.  Read more

  • In DAX string comparison requires you more attention than in SQL, for several reasons: DAX doesn’t offer the same set of features you have in SQL, a few text comparison functions in DAX are only case-sensitive and others only case-insensitive,…  Read more