Topic: Excel

Page 6 of 64 results
  • You can download these two sample chapters of the PowerPivot for Excel 2010: Give Your Data Meaning book: Chapter 2 - PowerPivot at Work This is introductive and suggested to read to anyone who is new to PowerPivot Chapter 7 – Date Calculations in DAX  Read more

  • Banding is one of the most common requirements when you have the need to analyze continuous values, like the retail price of a product which may change over time, due to discounts and price variations. I have already spoken about banding with regards  Read more

  • Companies that have cubes on Analysis Services 2000 and still have not completed a migration to SSAS 2005/2008 might be interested in connecting to AS2000 from PowerPivot. Unfortunately, there are several limitations about using AS2000 as a data source  Read more

  • The CALCULATE function in DAX is the magic key for many calculations we can do in DAX. However, it is not pretty intuitive how it works and I spent a lot of time trying to understand how it can be used. First of all, this is the syntax. CALCULATE( <expression>,  Read more

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