If you are used to virtual relationships in DAX (see Handling Different Granularities in DAX), you probably use the following pattern relatively often:

[Filtered Measure] :=
    FILTER (
        ALL ( <target_granularity_column> ),
        CONTAINS (
            VALUES ( <lookup_granularity_column> )

In the new DAX available in Excel 2016*, Power BI Desktop, and Analysis Services 2016, you can use a simpler syntax, which offers a minimal performance improvement and is much more readable:

[Filtered Measure] :=
        ALL ( <target_granularity_column> ),
        VALUES ( <lookup_granularity_column> )

You can find a longer explanation of this new pattern and download some examples in the new article Physical and Virtual Relationships in DAX, on SQLBI web site.

Context transition

Evaluates an expression in a context modified by filters.

CALCULATE ( <Expression> [, <Filter> [, <Filter> [, … ] ] ] )


Returns a table that has been filtered.

FILTER ( <Table>, <FilterExpression> )

CALCULATE modifier

Returns all the rows in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied.

ALL ( [<TableNameOrColumnName>] [, <ColumnName> [, <ColumnName> [, … ] ] ] )


Returns TRUE if there exists at least one row where all columns have specified values.

CONTAINS ( <Table>, <ColumnName>, <Value> [, <ColumnName>, <Value> [, … ] ] )


When a column name is given, returns a single-column table of unique values. When a table name is given, returns a table with the same columns and all the rows of the table (including duplicates) with the additional blank row caused by an invalid relationship if present.

VALUES ( <TableNameOrColumnName> )


Returns the rows of left-side table which appear in right-side table.

INTERSECT ( <LeftTable>, <RightTable> )