Marco Russo's Blog posts of 2013

52 results

Format your #dax code with DAX Formatter

When you write a DAX formula that is not trivial, you end up having a complex expression that is not really readable. I think that the same problem affect in part all Excel users, but in Excel you can easily split a formula in many steps, using different  Read more

Videos about #DAX on Project Botticelli

More than one year ago, I and Alberto started recording videos for Project Botticelli, and now we have a set of videos about DAX that you can watch online. There are a few videos free, and others are available in the monthly subscription. If you are interested,  Read more

Updates about Multidimensional vs Tabular #ssas #msbi

I recently read the blog post from James Serra Tabular model: Not ready for prime time? (read also the comments because there are discussions about a few points raised by James) and the following post from Christian Wade Multidimensional or Tabular .  Read more