I don’t usually blog about news, unless there is a relevant impact on future directions. Last week we have seen a huge number of announcements for Power BI (Custom Visuals now available to anyone through a gallery online, you can import them in also in Power BI Desktop, and a number of improvements in Power BI Service and a new version of the Personal Gateway).

I am sure we will see a number of announcements this week at PASS Summit 2015. If you look at the public schedule of the sessions, you see that we will finally know more about Analysis Services and Reporting Services, which are expected to show new features in SQL Server 2016. We will finally talk about Corporate BI again, even if we should talk about Hybrid BI these days.

The keynote will start at 8:15 AM Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 28, 2015. I will cover announcements made during the keynote on twitter (@marcorus) and with more details on this blog.

If you will be in Seattle this week, I and Alberto will present these sessions:

I hope Darren will be able to release an update to DAX Studio, which is one of the tools I will use in my session. I already have an early build to show in the session, just in case, but the goal is to make it broadly available before the session.

UPDATE 2015-10-26: DAX Studio 2.3.0 is available!

Stay tuned!