Ok, this could be partially off topic, but if you work on BI it is not. I will be a speaker at the Microsoft Sharepoint Conference 2008 in Milan (Italy) on 2 and 3 October 2008. I have one speech about building digital dashboards using SharePoint, Reporting Services and Performance Point Server.

The conference will be in Italian, but there is a track in the second day with Patrick Tisseghem and Ted Pattison that will be in English. The web-site does not contain specific information about this, but conference organization told me that some people is coming from other countries just to attend to this track!

The agenda has session titles in English, but unfortunately the sessions abstracts are only in Italian. If you are interested in getting more information (in English, of course) you can contact me or directly the conference organization (write to info [at] sharepointconference.it). If you need a good excuse to come in Italy (October could be still a nice month to visit some cities), this is a very good one!