I recently wrote an article to described in more details the syntax of the IN operator in DAX, which is available in Power BI and in the CTP of the next release of Analysis Services.

Jeffrey Wang wrote a blog post about the IN operator a few months ago, so I waited some time to include more details about how it internally works and how to use it when there are two or more columns involved. 

If you just need the simpler syntax for a single column, well, now instead of an infinite list of OR condition, you can write:

table[column] IN { 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 } 

However, if you want to understand the implications of the new syntax of the IN operator and of the related table and row constructors, then I suggest you to read this article carefully!


Returns TRUE if any of the arguments are TRUE, and returns FALSE if all arguments are FALSE.

OR ( <Logical1>, <Logical2> )