On January 18th, 2012 at 12pm Eastern Time (which is 5pm GM) Alberto Ferrari will deliver a free online session for the PASS DW/BI Virtual Chapter. This is the official description of the session.

Many-to-Many Relationships in DAX

The introduction of many to many dimension relationships in SSAS (since 2005) opened new scenarios that can be solved using OLAP cubes. Now, with the introduction of the Vertipaq engine and the DAX programming language, it seems that many-to-many relationships are no longer supported. As we are going to show, this is not true: many-to-many relationships can be leveraged in DAX too, even if this means some deep understanding of the Vertipaq engine and of the DAX programming language. During the session we will show many scenarios where many-to-many relationships can be managed by using DAX. The implementations are different from those used in SSAS, both from the data modeling and from the programming points of view. Gaining the ability to master many-to-many relationships will open new modeling scenarios that look very promising in SSAS.

This is the session that scored the best session in BI Platform Track at PASS Summit 2011, so you might have high expectations! Don’t miss this session if you are serious with BISM Tabular. It is an advanced one, but is a must for any serious BI Developer who wants to use BISM Tabular!