I do not normally blog about my activity at conferences, courses and workshop, not because I don’t like these “marketing” topics, but only because I forget to do it. That said, sometimes I do some really exciting activities and, well, I need to share them with all of my readers, just for the pleasure of doing it.

You probably already know www.projectbotticelli.com, it is probably the best place where you can find informative videos about our beloved Business Intelligence topics. Starting from August 2012, SQLBI is working with Project Botticelli to provide videos about DAX and the new SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular model.

The first video, which is a 20 minutes teaser on how to compute new and returning customers in DAX, is out right now. You can find it here: DAX in Action. Preparing the video has been a wonderful experience, I learned a lot and really enjoyed staying behind a camera. We are already working on other great videos on the DAX language, stay tuned!