Page 2 of 81 results
  • DAX in Action

    I do not normally blog about my activity at conferences, courses and workshop, not because I don’t like these “marketing” topics, but only because I forget to do it. That said, sometimes I do some really exciting activities and, well, I need to share  Read more

  • Hierarchy handling in DAX is not very easy, due to the fact that hierarchies, unlike it was in MDX, are not first-class citizens in the DAX world. While hierarchies can be easily defined in the data model, there are no DAX functions that let you access,  Read more

  • As you might (or not) know, I travel a lot for work and, when possible, I always try to speak at local user groups. It is fun and I always learn a lot by speaking with other professionals like me. Being in Lisbon next week, I’ll deliver a speech at Microsoft  Read more

  • My 4yo son keeps asking me why I should leave home so often to attend SQL conferences around the world and today, after a couple of days of snow, he discovered a good reason, along with the best place for the SQLBits scarf.  Read more

  • What is a circular dependency? If A depends on B and B depends on A, then you have a circular dependency. As programmers, we know that they should be avoided to obtain a working system. All this looks fine but, when authoring a simple DAX formula containing  Read more

  • This year I and Marco Russo will host a Birds of a Feather lunch about “ DAX, Vertipaq and BISM Tabular ” during PASS Summit in Seattle. If you want to spend some time speaking about DAX, the new Vertipaq engine of just have a good chat in front of some  Read more

  • Using Visual Studio to author SSAS Multidimensional projects, I was used to copy the project, deploy it with another name and then proceed with updates, until I was satisfied with the final result. Then, working with the two projects side-by-side I could  Read more

  • September 29th I and Marco Russo will be delivering a full day of deep dive into the DAX programming language, during the training days of SqlBits 9 . Later on, during the conference, I will deliver a session about many to many relationships in DAX, exploiting  Read more

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