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Strings list to table in DAX

DAX is not like M when it comes to data manipulation, and it is not supposed to do that. However, if you need something in DAX similar to Table.FromList in M, this blog post is for you. If you have…  Read more

DAX Patterns


This pattern includes several coding techniques you may find useful for budgeting scenarios The techniques do not apply only to budgeting We use the budget as an example to show how to reallocate a measure at a different granularity and…  More on DAX Patterns


Optimizing DAX, Second Edition

Optimizing DAX is the state-of-the-art book on optimizing DAX expressions in Power BI and Analysis Services semantic models.
Learn how to locate performance bottlenecks, read the query plan and performance metrics, rewrite the slower part of an expression, and measure the performance improvements. Read more