Introducing DAX Video Course

This is an introductory video course about the DAX language. DAX is the native language of Power BI, Power Pivot for Excel, and SSAS Tabular models in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. The training is aimed at users of Power BI, Power Pivot for Excel, and at Analysis Services developers that want to move the first steps with DAX.

The goal is to teach the DAX language using Power BI for all the examples. You can download the initial Power BI Desktop file used in the demos and repeat all the steps shown in the videos. The same concepts can be used also on Power Pivot and on Analysis Services Tabular. The course is made of 150 minutes of lectures. You can watch the videos at anytime and the system will keep track of your advances. Within the course you can download the slides and the initial Power BI file used in the demos.

Collapse allCurriculum

  • Presentation of Introducing DAX

    • Presentation of Introducing DAX Video Course
  • Slides and examples

    • How to download and use the examples
  • Introduction to DAX

    • Introduction to DAX
    • What is DAX?
    • Calculated Columns
    • Measures
    • Aggregation Functions
    • Using Variables
  • Table Functions

    • Table Functions
    • Calculated Tables
    • Filtering a Table
    • Removing Filters
    • Mixing Filters
  • Evaluation Contexts

    • Evaluation Contexts
    • What is an Evaluation Context?
    • Example of a Filter Context
    • Row Context
    • There are Always Two Contexts

    • What is CALCULATE?
    • Filters are Tables
  • Evaluation Contexts and Relationships

    • Evaluation Contexts and Relationships
    • Filters and Relationships
    • Row Context - Many Tables
    • Filter Context - Many Tables
    • Context Transition
  • Time Intelligence in DAX

    • Time Intelligence in DAX
    • Date Table
    • What is Time Intelligence?
  • Conclusion

    • Conclusion
Student Rating
2977 ratings
3-star Reviews (13 of 1501)
  • ihentuge tobechi (Jul 8, 2023)


  • Sivasoorya G.r (Jun 28, 2023)

    Learned A lot

  • Ricardo Morgado (Jun 11, 2023)

    Hi there. The course was awesome, nothing to complain about the content. However, the video platform is just terrible! The videos kept on freezing all the time, as if they were taking time to buffer or something. Even though I downgraded the video to 360p, the problem persisted. I often use Udemy, MS Learn, Youtube (etc.) and this never happens, so it is an issue with your platform. I'd totally be willing to buy other SQLBI courses if it wasn't for this particular issue, which makes the learning process a real pain.

    • Thank you Ricardo for leaving this comment. We have had zero other complaints about this issue in the last several weeks. Please note that this course is hosted on Vimeo, so maybe that's where the issue was lying. Cheers, Claire
      Reply by Claire Costa (Jun 12, 2023)
  • Marko Mironoff (Jun 21, 2022)

    Good but boring without exercises

  • Hermes Banico (Apr 12, 2022)

    I found the other person who was off screen distracting. I was following the instructor ok, but the other person kept interrupting.

  • Deovrat Singh (Jul 18, 2021)

    It's like I am not watching a tutorial but a debate, you keep speaking at the same time , turns out just noise, nothing useful. you both want to put your point, plan for it before the video rather than debating in mid of it. you are here to teach , not to compete. there is no structure in video, you guys do discussion like undermining each other, DISAPPOINTING seeing you both , as the content is actually good, you both are knowledgeable but presentation skills -ZERO.

  • Deovrat Singh (Jul 14, 2021)

    If only you 2 can agree on which one will present and which one will handle the interface and i am not complaining about accent but it is already somewhat tough to understand with the accent but you both keep talking at the same time. Can you plan in advance and then record? I took this free course to see if I should take the paid one but from the looks of it, I don't think so. Please don't mind, this is an honest opinion. Giving 3 stars for making the course free and knowledgable but if you are in online business , it should be presentable.

    • Hi Deovrat, Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion. One thing you may find helpful is to turn on the subtitles if anything is unclear. In the Mastering DAX video course, the presenters take turns to speak. Go ahead and use the Trial version of Mastering DAX that is free! Happy Learning, Claire
      Reply by Claire Costa (Jul 15, 2021)
  • Bhavin Patel (Feb 28, 2021)

    Overall, this course provides a solid understanding of DAX language including key concepts like Cardinality, Filter Flow, Evaluation Context etc. Having some prior knowledge is useful and recommended.

  • Austin Graham (Jan 6, 2021)

    Throught out most of the lectures, especially Intro to Dax - Measures it really felt like the presenter and the one controlling the screen were not in sync and practiaclly fought with each other. It was quite distracting. In the measures lecture we are told not to include the table name when referring to measures and even in the example they show it doesn't. BUT in my version, presumably newer, it does. Does that mean best practice has changed? I could never get my visualization to look the same in the time intelligence lecture. If I used the matrix, which they did, I would add my two data points to the "rows" section and I would get 2 hierarchies. If I used a table, I didn't get all the summing and nice formatting. Something changed with how PowerBi treats the matrix and I simply couldn't replicate the examples. The last thing is probably the least important but the most annoying of all! As a programmer it was very frustrating to hear "If its not formatted, its not DAX code" or whatever. This is a blatant LIE!! You don't need newlines and you don't need to space out your parentheses in order for it to run. Most code can be written in one line if you want it to. Nobody says "If its not formatted then its not Java Code! Python is the first langauge that even cares about formatting and even it can be written on one line in most instances. Just say its best practice, not that its outright not DAX code.

  • jhampier tapia (Jun 28, 2020)


  • George Ngoh (Jun 8, 2020)

    I wish they would 1) speak slower 2) stop talking over each other and at the same time 3) do a screenshot of the formula we need to type out so that we dont need to pause and start the video so many times. Sometimes the formula is blocked by the arrow or the instructor's head.

  • Joe Romano (Nov 13, 2019)

    There were a number of good points, but it really wasn't an introductory course as it assumed the viewer already had a certain level of knowledge about DAX. Would have been better to start at the real basics and build from there in little pieces, each of which is explained in detail. Additionally, it was difficult enough trying to filter through the narrator's heavy accent to follow what he was saying, but the occasional banter between him and the off-screen person became very distracting.

  • P G (Jul 2, 2018)

    A good intro - thanks very much. Still having trouble getting my head around some of it so will have to do more training. ciao