Articles of 2015

Page 2 of 17 results

Understanding ALLSELECTED

ALLSELECTED looks like a special function that is able to understand what the user selected in the pivot table, retrieving the original filter context under which the pivot table is running. However, how it is possible that a DAX function…  Read more

Parameters in DAX Measures

DAX is a functional language that does not allow you to create functions. However, if you need to pass a parameter to an algorithm, you can use a measure passing a value through a filter argument in CALCULATE, as described…  Read more

Variables in DAX

In this article, you learn a new feature in DAX 2015: variables. The 2015 version of the DAX language has many new functions, but none of them is a game changer for the language as variables are.  Read more


You might have used FIRSTNONBLANK and LASTNONBLANK in semi-additive measures, but you might not be aware that their use is not limited to time intelligence functions. This article shows alternative scenarios where these functions are useful.  Read more

Costs of Relationships in DAX

The relationships in a data model queried by DAX are a fundamental part of the engine and simplify the query itself. This article examines the cost of relationships in a data model, providing hints to optimize them.  Read more