Articles of 2013

10 results

Semi-Additive Measures in DAX (for Power Pivot)

Values such as inventory and balance account, usually calculated from a snapshot table, require the use of semi-additive measures. In Multidimensional you have specific aggregation types, like LastChild and LastNonEmpty. In PowerPivot and Tabular you use DAX, which is flexible…  Read more

Week-Based Time Intelligence in DAX

The DAX language provides several Time Intelligence functions that simplify writing calculations such as year-to-date (YTD), year-over-year (YOY) and so on. However, if you have a special calendar structure such as a 4-4-5 weeks’ calendar, you need to write your…  Read more

Yearly Customer Historical Sales in DAX

With DAX you can calculate the sales of the first, second and third year of a new customer without any ETL. In this article you see how to implement this calculation with good performance.  Read more

Handling Wrong or Missing Dates in Tabular

In the traditional star schema design of a Data Mart, you replace a missing, unknown or wrong date in the fact table with a dummy value in the Date dimension table. In Tabular, handling a Date table requires an existing…  Read more