MDX Studio is a tool that was developed by Mosha Pasumansky, a former Analysis Services developer.

This tool is invaluable when writing a MDX query: you have a code formatting feature, an embedded system to analyze query performance and many other features for writing MDX queries.

Unfortunately, the source code is not publicly available and the project is currently no longer being updated by Mosha. Other contributors made an effort to keep the tool compatible with newer versions of Analysis Services and client connection libraries.

2024-07-10 UPDATE The ZIP file now contains MDX Studio version 0.4.60. Performance Counters have been validated to work with Analysis Services Multidimensional 2022.

2020-09-11 UPDATE The ZIP file now contains MDX Studio version 0.4.50. Includes several minor bug fixes and introduces notification for new versions available.

2019-11-01 UPDATE The ZIP file now contains MDX Studio version 0.4.20. Performance Counters have been validated to work with Analysis Services Multidimensional 2016, 2017 and 2019RC1.

2014-09-12 UPDATE The ZIP file now contains MDX Studio version 0.4.15 with a fix for running with named instances and with Analysis Services 2014.
Previous version required a different executable depending on the Analysis Services version. This version should work with Analysis Services 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, and 2014.

We thank Alberto Spelta for working on version 0.4.50 & 0.4.60.

We thank Cosmin Ioan for working on version 0.4.20.

We thank Ihor Bobak for working on version 0.4.15.

We will promptly update this page when new versions are available!