There is a newer edition of this book:
DAX Patterns, Second Edition

A pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem. This book is a collection of ready-to-use data models and formulas in DAX, that you can use in Power Pivot for Excel and in Microsoft Analysis Services Tabular.
Create your data model faster by using a DAX pattern!

The patterns published in the book are also available in the DAX Patterns website. The book format makes them available offline, too!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. DAX Fundamentals
  3. Time Intelligence Functions
  4. Time Patterns
  5. Cumulative Total
  6. Related Distinct Count
  7. Statistical Patterns
  8. Parameter Table
  9. Static Segmentation
  10. Dynamic Segmentation
  11. ABC Classification
  12. Handling Different Granularities
  13. Budget Patterns
  14. Survey
  15. Basket Analysis
  16. New and Returning Customers
  17. Parent-Child Hierarchies


Paperback: 1505623634 (ASIN)


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