This article analyzes a classic modeling question: is it better to build a model as a regular star schema or as a single table in Power BI? The answer is clear: a star schema is always the best choice.
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Rolling averages over time (a.k.a. moving averages or running averages) are useful to smoothen chart lines and to make trends more evident. This updated article+video shows how to compute a rolling average over 12 months, in DAX.
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Adam Saxton and Patrick LeBlanc will be joining Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo to discuss common mistakes in big data models. The article featured above in this newsletter will be the hot topic of the session: not following best practices in data modeling is a common mistake. But surely there will be more to talk about!

During the live event, you can post comments and ask questions in the live chat window. Set a reminder on your calendar:
  • Apr 16, 2021 @ 16:00 UTC
  • Europe: 18:00 CEST
  • Eastern Time: 12:00pm EDT
  • Pacific Time: 9:00am PDT
You can join us on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitch, and Facebook.
The recorded event will also be available after the session.
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Latest videos
Solving currency conversion
60:09#unpluggedAlberto Ferrari
Exploring Object Level Security in Power BI
15:32#unpluggedMarco Russo
Computing rolling average in DAX
16:43Alberto Ferrari
Specifying multiple filter conditions in CALCULATE
11:38Alberto Ferrari


Latest news
• Object-Level Security (OLS) generally available in Power BI
The Object-Level Security (OLS) feature is now generally available after a very short preview. This feature has been available in Analysis Services since 2017, and thus it should be proven to work well. You can also see pros and cons of its implementation in Power BI in the Exploring Object Level Security in Power BI "unplugged" video by Marco.
Apr 7, 2021 · Microsoft
• Loading 1.6 billion rows snapshot table with Power Query
Yes, you can load 1.6 billion rows in Power BI using Power Query without an out-of-memory error: just pay attention to (all) the details! You can also download the StackOverflow source database and run everything on your machine.
Apr 5, 2021 · Sergio Murru
• Reset calculation groups in a custom tooltip or drillthrough page
Power BI does not offer the best consumption experience for calculation groups. However, you can often work around the current limitations by using some creativity and a good knowledge of how calculation groups work. This article explains how to prevent calculation groups from impacting one another in custom tooltips.
Apr 7, 2021 · Sam Fischer
• Tabular Editor 2.15.3
This is a minor update with a few fixes. If you do not have 2.15.2 that introduced OLS support, you should upgrade anyway!
Apr 7, 2021 · Daniel Otykier