Page 3 of 35 results for Denali
  • This white paper explores many different uses of many-to-many relationships in both SQL Server Analysis Services Multidimensional and Tabular models.  Read more

  • Wow! Today I hit F5 on this interesting transaction: BEGIN TRANSACTION     INSERT INTO World.Babies (Name, Surname, DateOfBirth, Gender)     VALUES (‘Arianna’, ‘Ferrari’, ‘20110720’, ‘Female’);     UPDATE World.Parents SET STATUS = ‘Happy’     WHERE NAME = ‘Alberto’ AND Surname =…  Read more

  • link In many workshops and sessions about PowerPivot the most frequently asked question has always been: how can I automate the PowerPivot Data Refresh in Excel? I talked about that a few weeks ago. The sad answer is that this…  Read more

  • A few days ago a post about VSTO-based PowerPivot Workbook in the PowerPivot Team Blog shown a workaround for the lack of PowerPivot API in Excel. In reality, I don’t like this workaround at all, because it relies on displaying…  Read more

  • Alberto anticipated me announcing our next edition of the PowerPivot Workshop in Lisbon (Portugal) on September 19-20, 2011. The announcement has been published also on the SQLPort website in Portuguese! But remember, the workshop will be entirely in English! In…  Read more

  • Chris Webb, who wrote the Expert Cube Development with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services book with me and Alberto, is preparing another Introduction to MDX course in London, this time from October 26th to 28th. It is now a…  Read more

  • Jeffrey Wang wrote an interesting post about internals of IF statement in MDX script, describing how and when it is rewritten as a IIF statement. The interesting news in his post is also a possible query plan tool for MDX…  Read more

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