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Tabular Editor 2.8.6

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@otykier otykier released this 16 Oct 01:56
· 785 commits to master since this release

Updated October 30th 2019: Please see below

Many improvements and bugfixes in this overdue release, based on GitHub feedback. Big thanks to everyone who contributed with suggestions and pull requests!


A simple pre-processor has been added to the script engine of Tabular Editor. This means:

  • You can now add external assemblies to scripts using #r "<assembly name>", similar to .csx scripts (for those of you familiar with Azure Functions). See example below.
  • You can now use the C# using keyword at the top of your scripts, to improve readability of your scripts. See example below.
  • Breaking change: DLLs present in the same folder as the TabularEditor.exe executable will no longer be included for reference automatically. You will need to reference the DLL using the #r pre-processor directive as mentioned above. The "References..." button will also no longer show up. If you have any scripts or custom actions that rely on 3rd party DLLs, they will need to be modified. Luckily, the fix to #326 will make it easier to debug Custom Actions that fail to load (thanks @albertospelta ).
// Assembly references must be at the very top of the file:
#r "System.IO.Compression"

// Using keywords must come before any other statements:
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.IO;

var xyz = 123;

// Using statements still work the way they're supposed to:
using(var data = new MemoryStream())
using(var zip = new ZipArchive(data, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) 
   // ...

Minor improvements

Bug fixes

Update 2019-10-19:

  • Fixed #341
  • Fixed #61
  • Fixed a couple of bugs within the Best Practice rule manager

Update 2019-10-30:

  • Fixed #346 - this Formula Fix-up bug has existed for a long time, and is now finally fixed. Thanks @zenzeinet for the detailed repro
  • Fixed an issue that caused modified Calculated Table Columns to not show up when saving to an instance of Analysis Services