Set your Power BI Desktop language with PowerShell

With this little PowerShell script you can set the language already at the start of Power BI Desktop.
I use Power BI Desktop in two different languages. In german for customer projects and in english for the Power BI Community.

With the “Single Installer” you can now choose between 42 display languages in Power BI Desktop. However, every time you change the language, you have to restart Power BI Desktop. In order to be able to set the language directly at the start of Power BI Desktop, I have determinded the corresponding registry entry.

registry language entry

The following two PowerShell scripts, sets the registry entry to the desired language and launch Power BI Desktop.

Power BI Desktop EN.ps1

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft Power BI Desktop" -Name "UICulture" -Value "en-US"
Start-Process '"C:Program FilesMicrosoft Power BI DesktopbinPBIDesktop.exe"'

Power BI Desktop DE.ps1

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft Power BI Desktop" -Name "UICulture" -Value "de-DE"
Start-Process '"C:Program FilesMicrosoft Power BI DesktopbinPBIDesktop.exe"'

I’ve created shortcuts from the PowerShell scripts to my desktop.

shortcut creating

In the properties of the shortcuts I shortened the name by the prefix.

renaming shortcut

The target of the shortcut, I have prefixed “powershell.exe -File” so that the PowerShell script is executed directly.

add powershell.exe

Last but not least, I changed the icon to “PBIDesktop.exe” via “Change Icon…”

change shortcut icon

Now I can start Power BI Desktop via the shortcuts directly in the desired language.


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Marcus Wegener

Marcus Wegener

Marcus Wegener ist Anwendungsentwickler für Business Intelligence und erstellt Lösungen, mit denen sich große Datenmengen schnell analysieren lassen. Kunden nutzen seine Lösungen, um die Vergangenheit zu analysieren, die Gegenwart zu steuern und die Zukunft zu planen, um damit mehr Erfolg zu generieren. Dabei ist seine einzigartige Kombination aus Wissen und Auffassungsgabe ein Garant für ihren Erfolg.

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